Saturday, November 2, 2013

Brussels Sprouts with Shallot

Few weeks ago I came up with a new way to cook brussels sprouts and have done it several times now. Instead of roasting I pan fried them with chicken stock and shallot. Here is the recipe.


3/4 - 1 lb of brussels sprouts
1 small shallot
1/4 cup of chicken stock
1 tablespoon of Olive Oil


1. Clean brussels sprouts (the most tedious part) and then slice them. Chop shallot. 

2. On medium high heat saute shallot in olive oil for about 1 minute, add brussels sprouts and saute for 4 minutes until they start getting a nice brown color.

3. Add chicken stock, reduce heat to medium low or low, cover and let cook for another 5 minutes until stock is absorbed and brussels sprouts are cooked. Taste for salt and add if needed. I served it as a side to a steak. 

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